Navigating the Timeline

A TimeStory document, at its core, consists of events assigned to dates on a horizontal timeline, with the past to the left and the future to the right. There isn’t a “start” or “end” to a timeline; regardless of how large your document already is, you can always scroll to any date you want, and there are a variety of tools to get around quickly and intuitively.

Scrolling Through Time

Move your view around a document using normal Mac scrolling gestures and mouse movements, including trackpad gestures and arrow keys.

At the bottom of each document window is a strip of buttons called the Time Scroller. This lets you easily navigate through time with your mouse, scrolling to the left or the right in smaller or larger increments. (Use View ▸ Time Scroller to show or hide this control.)

The Time Scroller

Panning with the Hand Cursor

Press and hold the space bar to activate panning—the mouse cursor will change into a hand icon, and you can click and drag the document around, as an alternative to using the scrolling controls. Release the space bar to stop panning.

Jumping to a Specific Date

To quickly move to a date, press the G key, or choose View ▸ Go to Date. This brings up a small input box where you can type a date; you can type in a specific date, or something more general like a year number. The document will scroll to this location horizontally.

Jumping to Today’s Date

Using the Highlight Today feature, you can quickly locate today’s date. When you show or hide the highlight, for example with the “Today” toolbar button, the document will scroll it into view if it’s off screen.