Using Shortcuts with TimeStory

Use Shortcuts to integrate TimeStory with other apps, to automate and speed up common workflows, and more!

Requires macOS Monterey or newer. Not yet available for TimeStory iPad Edition.

Shortcuts Documentation

The Shortcuts Action Reference lists all of the Shortcuts actions offered by TimeStory, along with general usage notes such as how to work with documents or specify different inputs like colors or icons.

Example Shortcuts

To get a feel for what this means, there are a few demo shortcuts here. You can see what they do, and browse their contents on these pages; there are also iCloud links to download and install them if you’d like.

Feedback Wanted!

I’d love to hear about any cool shortcuts you create with TimeStory, or any suggestions you have to add or update any of the current set of actions. If you have any input, send me an email!