Every iPhone ever released, laid out in time.
To create this timeline, I started with the Wikipedia page for “iPhone”.
To help jumpstart the work, I selected the “Availability and support lifespan of all iPhone models” table on that page, copied it, and pasted it into Numbers. I manually cleaned that table up (this required a bit of work, as the table merged models like iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Plus, and sometimes had multiple dates in the same cell), then saved it as CSV and imported it using TimeStory’s CSV Import feature.
The sections, vertical layout, and updates since that were all manual.
This timeline uses entirely public information, mostly pulled from Wikipedia. Like Wikipedia itself, this TimeStory file and exported images are licensed CC BY-SA 4.0, which gives you permission to use, share, modify, remix, or use it as the basis for your own work, as long as you give credit.